Pura Vida Con Dios

Jesus himself said most people who profess to be Christian are not getting into Heaven... The church has gone astray... Most people will hear, depart from me I never knew you... Your life contradicts what you professed to be... Today people don’t want God they just want to go to Heaven... Can a Christian struggle with sin and even fall into sin? Yes, but a Christian will never live a continuous life of sin because God will not let his children go astray... Some grow slower than others, but a true believer grows...

False Christians are not willing to die to self... They love taking God’s name in vain by the way they live... God’s Word means nothing in their lives... They go to church for the wrong reasons... Many times people will go to a Church and leave thinking I’m saved... If those people start to walk with Christ and believe in their hearts, yes they will be saved... But, instead of continuing they turn away, then it is if they never started in the first place... It was only emotion and an impulse... We need to stop playing Christianity and go back to the truth... Many people who believe they are children of God are going to hell...

Please don’t let it be you!


Trust in Christ alone... Repent of your sins and trust in Christ... Stop trying to work for your salvation and trust in the perfect merit of Jesus Christ... Jesus is your only claim to Heaven... Your good works are not good enough and they mean nothing... Fall upon Jesus your Savior, trust in Him... Jesus took away your sins... He took away your guilt... Repentance is a change of mind that leads to a turning away from sin... True faith in Christ will change your lifestyle... You will have new desires for Christ and you won’t desire to live a continuous lifestyle of rebellion... God will work in you to make you into the image of His son... Life is all about Christ...

The true gospel is not being preached today, which is a huge reason why we have an enormous amount of false conversions... In today’s gospel there is no repentance... Usually someone prays a prayer they don’t understand and some sorry excuse for a preacher comes and says do you believe in Jesus and that’s it... These huge counterfeit conversions is why worldly and sinful things are going on in the church today... Fake Christians are saying love to everything! There is a reason so many Christians look and act like the world because most likely they are not Christians... All you hear in today’s Christianity is love, love, and love... There is nothing about God’s wrath and there is nothing about turning away from your sins... This is ridiculous!


If you are truly saved you are a new creature... It’s not what you are trying to be it’s what you are... We all have fallen short and sometimes the Christian life is a few steps forward and a few steps back and vice versa, but there will be growth... There will be a never ending desire for Christ... People claim to know the Lord, but they never care to obey God... They say God comes first in their life but, they won’t listen to him... You might say you love God but, your life says something else... Just like children grow older and wiser we are to grow in Christ and grow in God’s Word... Find the root problem to all your sins and make an effort to overcome them instead of living in them... Stop using your own strength but, use the Lord’s strength because through Him you can do anything... 

God grants salvation to those who put their trust in Jesus Christ alone... By faith we believe that Jesus died for our sins and He is the only way to Heaven... Do we deserve that blessing? Of course not... Give our merciful God the glory... He is worthy of all praise... We don’t have to work for our salvation... We obey Him out of love, thankfulness and honor to Him... As people we want justice. ..We want the bad guys to get what they deserve, but how about us? We’ve sinned against everything... God had mercy upon us and we are to be merciful to others...

We are saved by grace alone apart from works... God desires perfection, but nobody is perfect... Christ became that perfection and he is who we put our trust in... Never let anyone tell you we are saved by works like Catholicism teaches... What no one seems to understand in this godless generation is if you are truly saved you will be converted... There will be a renewing of your mind... You will grow in your hatred for the things that God hates and in your love for the things that God loves... Don’t say you are a Christian when your life contradicts that... Don’t say you love God when your life contradicts that...