Learn How to Deal with Temptation...
Temptation is a part of life... It was an issue before you became a Christian, it will always be part of your life... You do not however, have to yield to temptation to sin... The Bible says, God is faithful... He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it... When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it...
Pray with God Daily...
Talk with God often... Talk over your problems with Him... Thank Him for who He is and what He has done for you... Confess your sins to Him and admit your weaknesses... Ask God to help show you how to live a life that pleases Him... Pray for others, that they too may choose to follow Jesus Christ as their Savior and give Him the leadership of their lives...
Conquer Your Doubts...
At times you may doubt that you really are a Christian... Perhaps you have failed or surrendered repeatedly to temptation... Remember, you were not saved because of how good of a person you are... But, by putting your trust in what Christ has already done for you... Trust the truth found in God’s Word over your own subjective feelings...
The Christian life is a personal intimate relationship between you and Christ... This life begins in faith and can only be lived by faith... Faith is another word for trust... We trust our lives to Christ's keeping because He has proven Himself trustworthy by... His life... His death... His resurrection... His abiding presence... His unconditional love...
As you walk in faith and obedience to God as an act of your will and allow Him to change your life, you will gain increasing assurance of your relationship with Him... You will experience God's work in your life as He enables you to do what you cannot do on your own...
Depend on the Holy Spirit...
The Bible teaches that now that you have chosen to follow Christ, the Holy Spirit actually lives within you... The Holy Spirit will teach you... Guide you... Strengthen you in times of need... The Holy Spirit will convict you when you make wrong choices... He will open your eyes to see the truth... Think of him as an interpreter of God's word... He will always be there to help us understand God's will...
The Bible says that you are a “new creation” when you decide to follow Christ... Your old "self" is gone... Jesus says... Your mind will be renewed... You will receive a new heart... The Holy Spirit will dwell within you... He goes on to say that... Once you were blind and now you can see... In all these things, we want to help you grow in your faith and in your knowledge of Jesus... This page is dedicated to core values of Christian living... As you walk with Jesus, you will experience things mere words would never explain...
Read the Bible Daily...
The Bible is God’s inspired instruction manual for us... It has many answers to help you live a life that pleases God... A good place to start is in the New Testament with the Gospel of Luke or John... The book of Acts is a great follow up... It contains the exciting story of how Christ’s disciples spread the Good News about His death, burial and resurrection... As you read ask God to give you understanding and wisdom... Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your word... Think about what you read... Study and analyze it... Write down questions you have and ask a mature Christian to help clarify your understanding...
Tell Others About Jesus...
Sharing with others about your new life in Jesus... By word or by action can be one of the most satisfying and exciting experiences you have ever had... The Bible encourages us to always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have within us...
Christian Lifestyle...
Worship God with all your heart...
Worshipping God is the one thing that destroys all self-made barriers between us and Him... It is our means to recognize Him as our sole, sovereign provider for everything, including our self... It is our means to unite with His endless flow of powerful love... Transforming us from the unfathomable depths of darkness to the indescribable heights of our spirit...
We worship God for one reason... To live and be transformed by the very Author of Life... The Destroyer of Death... God our Father... God the Messiah, Jesus Christ... God the Holy Spirit, our comforter and teacher... The Holy Spirit is God’s living presence, His personal manifestation of Himself in us...
We worship God for one reason – to live!
Be of Service to Others...
Jesus tells us repeatedly to give our lives to serve Him and to serve others... If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it... But, if you give up your life for Jesus and for the gospel, you will find true life... The more you give yourself in service to others, the more you will enjoy your Christian life...
Live One Day at a Time...
Too often we become anxious about what might happen tomorrow... The Bible promises that God will meet our needs, if only we will seek first His righteousness... God’s grace will be sufficient to meet the challenges that each new day brings... Jesus says... Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added on to you...
Attend Church Regularly...
When you became a Christian, you began an authentic personal relationship with Jesus... However, it is important to also have authentic connections with other Christians... In a fireplace, many logs burn together creating heat and warmth but, a log by itself quickly dies out... Likewise, we too need the fellowship of other believers to keep our faith vibrant and growing... The Church is a place where you can worship God and make Him the focus of your life...